Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Older Woman

Hey Doc:

I'm 21 years old and this girl that I've been talking to is turning 28 pretty soon. This girl has been really down on the dumps with personal problems, losing family members, etc. and we've been keeping each other "company" if you will.

I want more than that however. I have a feeling that deep down, she does to. But the age thing comes up every once in a while. So what steps should I take to try to get her to see that we belong together?


First of all, the age issue isn't an issue at all. It's all in how you handle it. I'd suggest that you simply ignore it entirely unless she brings it up. If she does just say, "You know, I don't plan to make an issue of your being older than I am because it means nothing." In effect, you'll have turned this around into the nothing-issue that it is in a single sentence.

What does trouble me however, is that you've become her friend. That's relationship death! Women don't date their "friends" and use the friends-label as a way of keeping you at arms-length. If you approach her for more, she can say, "Oh, I don't see you like that, you're my FRIEND!"

No man worthy of this girl would put up with that. Many men are too scared to actually approach these girls and be something more. They actually think they can "work it from the inside" by being the nice guy and that somehow the girl will fall in love with them and do all their work for them. Let me assure you of this: that is an absolute turn-off to women. Women don't want guys that are too much of a pussy to tell them what they really want; and do you really think she doesn't know what you want anyway?

I wish guys would get this figured out already. Being her friend may very well prevent you from ever being anything else to her. For much more on this please read my FAQ's at my website: and click on "self help".

As to what to do with this I suggest you make a decision for yourself. Are you really going to be this girl's friend or not? If not, then I suggest that you use the "Opening Kiss" technique from my second book, "Being a Man in a Woman's World II". It goes like this:

The very next time you see this girl, don't hesitate even a second. Walk right up to her and kiss her squarely on the lips. Don't make it a little peck like you'd kiss your grandmother, make it a really kiss! Do this before you do anything else.

This is going to help you in many ways, including:

1) You're going to discover exactly what she thinks of you - if you're in the "friend-zone" you'll know it right away.

2) You're going to change any possible friendship into what you really want with her.

3) There's going to be no ambiguity of where you're going.

4) You'll come off as the strong, powerful guy you can be and trust me, she'll be impressed.

5) By putting things out on the table, you both can deal with them - including the age issue - and start building what you really want.

My brother, don't do the friend-thing to yourself. You deserve much better.

Best regards...
Have a love, dating, relationship, sex or man/woman question? You can write to me by going to: for answers. For more information about my books, "Being a Man in a Woman's Worldtm" (volumes I & II), and other products visit: Check out the discussion group at:

Copyright (c) 2006, Dr. Dennis W. Neder
All rights reserved.

Dr. Neder is known around the world as a tough, but fair relationship expert, dealing with all sorts of dating, sex and relationship issues from a man's perspective. Having written 3 books ("Being a Man in a Woman's World" series) and is working on others, hundreds of articles, been on hundreds of radio and TV shows, he is funny, direct and intuitive.Arluene Blog27493
Arlena Blog23163

How to Make Money Online Basic Principle by Azard Hosein

You would think in todays world making money online would be the simplest thing in the world, right? I mean you take something youre interested in, or a product you have to market, you create a website, buy some place to put the website and bang your making money, right?


Ok, i hear you say, but hang on the search engines will pick it up and traffic will come wont it? Well actually yes they will pick it up (if you submit it) but just because you are now on the web doesnt mean you are the next or The fact is you need to be pro-active and drag people to your site by advertising in the right manner.

So why do you need traffic? & How do you get traffic to your site?

Well the fact is, and this is a secret you need to remember because everyday I am shocked as to how many people dont know this... The fact is there is a buyer for every product out there.

Thats right!

It doesnt matter what you sell or what service you provide, one of the billion plus people who use the internet every day is going to be interested. The trick is in finding enough of those one billion people who are interested to (a) get you to breakeven point & (b) make a sustainable profit that provides a good income from.

So how do you find people who are interested in your product?

You dont. (What!) i hear you say... but what happens is they find you. Ill say that again so you understand They find you!

Thats right you need to create an internet marketing network so that whenever someone types in for example internet marketing into a search engine, like Google, your results come up. Ill tell you now that you just wont do that by submitting one website to search engines the network you must create needs to be very wide and specific to your area of product or service.

The methods of forming this network are the subject of a different article but the point is so important that i have dedicated an entire article about it. I see far too many people falling down and giving up, not because they had a bad idea but because they didnt know how to bring traffic to their site.

Internet marketing is the essence of making money online. If anyone is reading this and is think about selling anything on the web my best advice is to learn how to market on the internet before anything else.

When you learn how to market on the internet you can take any product or service and make money online from it. The sea will get a lot smaller and you will be the fisherman with the largest net.

See you in the winners circle.

Azard Hosein is a successful Pilot, Author and Internet Marketer. Founder of the successful website which shows people how to market properly on the internet. Azard now turns his attention to helping and mentoring people in setting up businesses online and making consistent incomes from online income streams.Annabel Blog78679
Brynna Blog14533

How to Refinance Your Car Loan and Save Monthly!

Paying your monthly bills can always put a hole in your pocket at certain times of the month, so it really pays to find new ways to save money. Mortgage payments and car payments are both bills that will specifically take large chunks of your bank account.

Finding ways to save on your mortgage payment is not always that easy. But one of the easiest ways to save big bucks on your monthly bills is to find ways to save on your monthly automobile payments.

If you have a good credit history or if you have a better credit history than when you originally financed your car loan, you may be eligible for a lower interest rate through your existing company or through another types of finance companies.

Personal Loans or Unsecured Loans

A personal loan or unsecured loan from a financial institution are two ways you can possibly get a lower interest loan. Banks are more strict thank other institutions when it comes to qualifying for a loan, but if you have an existing relationship with the bank, such as a checking or saving account, you may have a good chance at finding a better loan.

Some independent financial institutions may have better loans for you, but their interest rates tend to be higher than banks. Even though these rates tend to be higher, you may still find a lower interest loan than your current loan.

Loan Secured by Your Automobile

Some banks may simply give you a lower interest loan secured by your automobile. Doing a loan this way ensures that your bank has some type of collateral in case you do not pay your loan. Usually, banks require that your car be no older than 8 years old to qualify for this type of loan.

Credit Card Advances

If your loan balance is low enough or if your credit card limit is high enough, you may be able to get a lower rate by using your credit card. If your credit card interest rate is lower than your car loan rate, this is something you may to look at financing your car this way.

Search Online for Companies that Specialize in Auto Refinancing

Let Lenders Compete for Your Business

If you decide to look online for a loan, you will find that there are sites where you can apply for a loan and have lenders compete for your business. You only have to fill out one application and hundreds of lenders will evaluate your loan and give you an idea of the rates and terms you qualify for.

These are just some of the ways you can lower your monthly car payment through refinancing. The main point of refinancing your car loan is to find a place that will provide you with a lower interest rate than the company that currently holds your car loan.

Just to let you know, you may face some obstacles in refinancing if you have not paid your loan down enough. In this case dont be discouraged. Just find out how much you need to reduce your loan and focus on paying down your loan more.

Lowering your monthly car payment is an easy way to help you save big bucks in tight situations. If you have been on time with most of your car payments, you have a chance at finding a lower rate. You just need to find the right resources that will help you. If you find that you dont qualify for a lower rate, be sure to ask your loan provider how you can meet the standards of the lower rate loans.

Rod Davis is a loan officer and chief writer of the Newsletter where he writes weekly articles and guides on saving money, credit improvement, debt reduction, investment, finance and Real estate. You can learn more about refinancing your auto loan at Blog65235
Arabela Blog69345

Learning To Compete In A Very Competitive Industry: Travel

Over the years, many of us have heard about the opportunities available in wholesale travel. As a consumer, we can recognize that if these wholesale travel packages are legitimate, then we will have access to vacation packages that would make the average traveler drool over their possibilities in travel destinations. When we slide the shoe to the other foot and consider wholesale travel as a business opportunity, we question whether we have the knowledge or fortitude to succeed in this type of business.

Read on as we examine wholesale travel from the perspective of the consumer and the online businessperson seeking new opportunities in profit.

Beware of The Discount Travel Scams

While the wholesale travel industry is a legitimate industry offering legitimate travel packages, there are a few people out there offering deals that are less than favorable to consumers.

The most common travel scam is the kind used to sell timeshare packages in real estate. The real estate agent will give you a free three-day package to an attractive destination, IF your yearly salary meets certain minimums AND you agree to sit down and listen to a sales pitch for timeshare properties.

Now, there is nothing wrong with timeshares per se, but the methods that some unscrupulous agents employ to sell timeshares are shameful to say the least. Timeshare supported vacations are well known for their hard-sell approach to the sales process.

As a result, when most people speak of discount travel or wholesale travel, the first thought that comes to the mind of most consumers is the timeshare sales pitch. As a result, consumers generally have a poor opinion of discount travel or wholesale travel, based only on their fears of timeshare selling scams.

Be Aware Of Travel Restrictions With Some Packages

There are three types of restrictions that may accompany some discount travel packages:

* Expiration Dates: Many packages come with defined expiration dates that make them difficult-to-use by the stated due-date. Not all of us can gear up to take our vacation within the next 90 days. So, be certain to read the fine print of any offer that is made available to you.

* Blackout Dates: Blackout dates were made famous by David Spade's representation of Capital One Credit Cards. Some travel rewards carry blackout dates to limit the expense of those rewards. They don't want you using your travel rewards over the Thanksgiving weekend, since that is the busiest travel weekend of the year, and prices are generally higher for that peak period. Travel rewards aside, some travel packages employ blackout dates as well. Check the fine print to make sure that any blackout dates offered with a package do not interfere with how you want to use the travel package.

* Non-Transferable Vouchers: In theory, if you buy a hotel room and an airline ticket to Jamaica for the weekend and if something were to happen in your life that prevented you from using your purchased services, you could give the tickets and reservations to your best friend, so your money would not be wasted. Some travel vouchers may prevent you from transferring your vacation to another party. As always, read the fine print to know what restrictions might limit your vacation plans.

In a lot of cases, even if these restrictions exist, they will not interfere with your vacation plans. But, it is far better to be aware of a limitation before you buy your vacation, than it is to find out about those restrictions when you are ready to plan your trip.

How Do Service Providers Profit From Vacation Packages?

Where the value of discount travel or wholesale travel packages distracts many people, is this underlying question of how companies can offer these types of packages. The consumer is confused by the whole concept of free vacations, so we will look into the profit motive here.

When people are looking at an offer of a free vacation that consists of three days in a hotel room, many people are dumbfounded that such a thing could exist. If we use Las Vegas hotels and Orlando Florida hotels as examples, it is a much easier concept to understand.

When a Las Vegas hotel offers a free three-day stay, they do so with the expectation that you may spend several hundred or thousand dollars in their casino. If you did not take the free stay in their hotel room, you may have taken your vacation in Las Vegas anyhow, but stayed in one of their competitor's hotel rooms. If that were to happen, then their competitor would have won your money in their casino instead.

Hotels in vacation spots such as Orlando Florida may be receiving rewards from Walt Disney World to ensure that you spend your vacation at Walt Disney World, instead of Six Flags Over Texas. The hotel will receive money from Walt Disney World for your stay, and you will eat several meals and use several services at the hotel that gave you the hotel room for free.

Free services frequently provide the lubrication that helps a local economy soar, so many businesses will offer rewards to the hotel chains to offer free hotel rooms to visitors.

Do keep in mind that if you do get a free hotel room, there will still be a small cost to you in terms of the taxes excised on that hotel room stay. State laws mandate that all visitors pay taxes on their hotel rooms, and even though your stay might be free, you will still be required to pay the taxes on the room.

How The Airline Industry Profits From Discount Air Travel

When an airplane flies from New York City to Los Angeles, they always have a specific number of seats on that flight. Even if only twenty people paid for that flight, they airline would be required to make the journey, with all of its empty seats in tow.

So, airlines have constructed a very unique business model to make sure their empty seats are filled. When you buy a seat directly from the airline company, you will most always pay full price for the seat. If you buy your airline seat from a travel company, you can often find discounts on those seats.

Very literally, airline companies calculate how many seats they will sell on their own for each flight, and then they wholesale the remaining seats to travel agencies and other travel companies, to ensure that they will fill most or all of their seats.

The travel industry will buy seats on the airplane for as much as 90% off the retail cost of a flight. Then they will turn around and sell those flights to their customers at a markup. The actual discount rate will vary by the company making the offer, since only the biggest wholesale travel companies will get the deepest discounts, and the travel agencies usually buy seats from these airline seat wholesalers.

Can The Little Guy Compete In A Market Saturated by Big Players?

Simply put, yes. A friend of mine at Dreams By Vasrue has built his own little travel empire selling wholesale travel packages. In a recent month, he was able to generate $18,000 in profits these were profits, not total sales.

With a saturated market filled by big names such as Travelocity, Expedia, Orbitz and many others, you would think it impossible to compete in such a crowded marketplace. But, you must remember that these big travel websites are operating as the travel agency, buying travel services at wholesale and marking up their prices to make a significant profit.

This leaves the little guys lots of opportunity to reach the buying public in ways that the big websites cannot do themselves. The big websites are not in the business of offering true wholesale travel, because they are like travel agencies selling retail travel to consumers.

The Lesson In This Story

The lesson in this story is that the Internet is offering lots of entrepreneurs a way to stand up and compete with the largest corporations on the planet in a multitude of industries.

As an online businessperson, you should always be looking for that new opportunity that could make you very wealthy. When you take the time to learn the internal workings of any industry, you will uncover opportunities to compete successfully and prosperously with the biggest names in your own industries.

Bill Platt writes and ghost writes articles for dissemination on the World Wide Web through His company also offers article distribution services to people who write their own articles. Reach Bill at 405-780-7745 between 9am-6pm, M-F. One thing that success brings online entrepreneurs is the opportunity to travel more frequently. If you are interested in learning about wholesale travel as a way to save money or as a business opportunity, please visit to learn more about the programs offered by Clinton Douglas IV.Caril Blog46499
Cassaundra Blog25142

Offsite Backup Advantages

Creating backups of your data and files is a very important way of staying on top of disaster and missing data. Both small and large businesses, including individuals, always look towards a backup of information to keep them going in the face of disaster. Even though backups are a great way to keep your data safe and protected, there are some flaws with the traditional methods.

When you create backups of your data, you must store them somewhere where they cant be damaged or someone else can access them. For businesses, offsite backup is a well known and popular way to backup files. It offers you several different advantages when compared to other ways, such as CD, DVD, external hard drives, and even servers. One of the biggest advantages to offsite backup is the fact that the backups arent stored in your office or business.

Offsite backup companies store your data in state of the art safes, to protect them against fire, flood, and even prying eyes. This can be extremely beneficial if unexpected things have a habit of occurring around your office.

Another great thing about offsite backups are the fact that they can be used as stores for your data. You wont need to rely on online space, as you can easily go to the company who is storing your data and go through it anytime you wish. You can also use online space with most companies as well. You simply upload your data to their online storage area, then go back anytime you wish and view it. This is a very handy feature, similar to a hosting company.

Another benefit of offsite backup is the fact that your data will always be protected, and you wont have to use CD or DVDs to do it. CD and DVD storage is great for individuals, although there will be quite a bit of them for most businesses. This can get somewhat costly, but more importantly, it will use a lot of space to store the backup files. They can also become damaged or lost, unlike offsite backup storage.

Offsite storage is also great if your business is in a bad area. If Mother Nature has a habit of bashing your area with floods, fires, or hurricanes, you should look into offsite backup storage immediately. They have ways to protect your information from harm, including anything Mother Nature can dish out. There is no need to worry about natural disasters, system failures, hard drive crashes, or data failure with offsite backup storage.

Even though you may not realize it, the data will be available anytime you need it. Online backup services are available anytime, day or night, and can be accessed anywhere you are. Most are easy to set up, and offers you very impressive security measures. They are also fast and very efficient, which is great for those who need to access their files immediately.

When it comes to offsite backup, you can store virtually any file you need to, such as text files, e-books, contact record, pictures, music, and anything else you can think of. The storage for online backups are virtually endless, capable of storing everything you need.

All in all, offsite backup storage is ideal for any business or corporation. You can store your data with an online offsite backup, or choose to do it physically in an offsite safe. The choice is entirely up to you. No matter which method of offsite backup you choose - your data will always be protected, and best of all - it will always be there anytime you need it.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog23503
Calypso Blog6285

Understanding The Magic of Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth technology is a low-power, low-cost wireless technology for short-range radio communication between various fixed and/or portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, PDAs, cars, stereo headsets, MP3s, digital cameras, PCs and computer peripherals. Bluetooth also refers to the standard communication protocol (IEEE 802.15.1) specifically designed for this kind of short-range wireless communication.

The core of Bluetooth technology lies in a low-cost 9 mm x 9 mm microchip that functions as a short-range radio link when inserted into an electronic device, making the device Bluetooth-enabled. Wireless communication between various bluetooth-enabled devices takes place via these radio links, instead of via cables as used in normal networking. Since Bluetooth technology uses radio signals, which are omni-directional and can be transmitted through walls and other obstacles, Bluetooth-enabled devices dont need to be in line of sight or be pointing at each other.

Bluetooth radio modules operate in the open, unlicensed ISM (industrialscientificmedical) spread-spectrum 2.4 GHz frequency band, divided into 79 channels separated by 1 MHz each. To avoid interference from other signals, the Bluetooth signal hops to a new channel every time it transmits or receives a data packet, making Bluetooth connection robust and secure. The communication range of Bluetooth technology varies from 1 m to 100 m, depending upon the maximum power permitted (1 mW to 100 mW). Because of this channel hopping, there should not be a consistent problem with other devices using the 2.4 Ghz frequency band, such as old cordless phones.

Each Bluetooth-enabled device can simultaneously communicate with up to seven other devices within a single personal area network, called a piconet. Each device can simultaneously belong to several piconets. Each device negotiates with each other via a defined device name so that each device can keep track of who it is communicating with. The device name to use when you are setting up your Bluetooth device is typically cleared stated in the accompanying device documentation.

Bluetooth technology offers built-in security with 128-bit encryption and PIN code authentication. When Bluetooth products identify themselves, they use the PIN code the first time they connect, thereafter staying securely connected.

Practical Applications of Bluetooth Networking

Some of the popular applications of Bluetooth technology are in wireless networking between a mobile phone and a laptop/desktop, between a mobile phone and a hands-free headset, between PCs in a restricted space and between the input and output devices of a PC (e.g., mouse, keyboard, printer). Bluetooth technology can also be used to transfer files, images and MP3 files between mobile phones or between MP3 players/digital cameras and computers.

Limitations of Bluetooth Technology

Short communication range (up to 100 m) is the greatest limitation of Bluetooth technology. Also, the data transfer rates are much lower compared to other wireless communication technologies. Susceptibility to interference from other devices operating in the 2.4 MHz band, notwithstanding adaptive frequency hopping, is another limitation. The Bluetooth technology is still not fully developed, so there is plenty of room for improvement.

Bluetooth-Enabled Devices

The Bluetooth wireless technology specification is available free-of-charge to Bluetooth member companies around the world. Many companies are interested in making their devices Bluetooth-enabled in order to avoid the clutter of wires with seamless connections and offer simultaneous transmission of data and voice as in hands-free talking.

Bluetooth technology is commercially available in a wide range of applications such as mobile phones, automobiles, medical devices, play stations and many more.

Jon Arnold is a computer engineer who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about Bluetooth technology and applications at his web site at Blog23235
Arlette Blog76454

Microsoft Certification: Your Career Is Waiting!

Microsoft, a leader in the IT industry, has developed a number of certification programs for professionals working in the business. The programs allow you to decide which certification is appropriate and best suited for your career. There are over 2 million IT professionals with Microsoft certification. You can join their ranks and greatly enhance your professional career with Microsoft Certification. It's important to note that Microsoft has restructured their programs to be very targeted.

Microsoft provides plenty of support as you study for your various certifications. The training includes classroom training, self-study kits, computer-based training, online classes, and books, and certification guides. You can take advantage of the way that you learn best. Depending on the career path you have chosen, you will find a certification that matches your skill set. Microsoft plans to, over time, introduce exams that rely on simulations and performance items.

You start by taking the appropriate entry- level certification. Prepare yourself with the most suitable Microsoft Certification Guides. You need to choose the right guide. A list follows of the various Certification Guides you can choose from. Match you expertise with these guides.

MCSE certification (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) is an industry standard targeted at the IT professional and provides the skills and training needed to design and implement infrastructure functions based on the Microsoft Windows 2000 platform and Microsoft server software such as MCSE Messaging and Security.

MCSA certification (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator) is for IT professionals who need skills and knowledge to administer system environments based on desktop and server operator systems. This training focuses on managing and troubleshooting system environments. With this level of certification you can now prepare for specializations like MCSA Security and Messaging.

MCDST certification (Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician) is for students who need the right skills and training to troubleshoot ordinary hardware and software issues in Microsoft Windows environments.

MCAD.NET certification (Microsoft Certified Application Developer ) provides you with the skills and knowledge that allows you to develop and maintain department level applications for Web clients, desktop client, components, and back-end data services all the way from development to maintenance.

MCSD.NET certification (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developers) is for IT professionals with the skills and knowledge needed for developing and designing leading edge business solutions by using various Microsoft tools, platforms, technologies and architectures. This certification allows you to develop custom .NET-based applications. This training encompasses everything from analysis to design, development, testing and maintenance using Microsoft development tools, technologies, and platforms. You become an expert on all aspects of the application life cycle.

MCITP certification (Microsoft Certified IT Professional Database Administrator) is for IT professionals who need to plan, administer, deploy, support and maintain databases created by using various Microsoft products.

MCITP certification (Microsoft Certified IT Professional Database Developer) gives you the skills and knowledge to plan, deploy, support, maintain and optimize IT infrastructures and databases created by using Microsoft products such as Windows Application Developer, Web Application Developer, or Enterprise Applications Developer.

MCPD certification (Microsoft Certified Professional Web Developer) distinguishes expert professionals who are Windows application developers, Web application developers, and enterprise application developers. Experts with these skills can build targeted applications using different platforms in the Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0.

MCPD certification (Microsoft Certified Professional Developer) is for students who need to distinguish themselves as an expert in comprehensive Windows application development, enterprise application, and Web application development using platforms that use the Microsoft.NET Framework. This certification is a stepping- stone to other Microsoft certifications.

MCTS.NET 2.0 certification (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) is designed fir IP professionals who target specific technologies and demonstrate in-depth knowledge of .NET 2.0 and other specialized Microsoft technologies.

MCTS.NET 2.0 certification (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) is for IT professionals who work with enterprise environment databases. It provides students with in-depth training and skills for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 product.

MOS certification (Microsoft Office Specialist) is designed for IT professionals who need the skills and knowledge to understand and use the advanced features of Microsoft Office software.

MOS MI certification (Microsoft Office Master Instructor) qualifies you to teach MOS courses.

Microsoft Certified Architect Program is designed for IT professionals who can apply successful frameworks and methodologies to create an architecture from beginning to end, through the IT life cycle.

CLC certification (Microsoft Certified Learning Consultant) is a credential for expertise in designing and delivering customized learning solutions for other IT professionals.

MCBDA certification (Microsoft Certified Database Administrators) are trained to design, implement and administer Microsoft SQL Server databases.

MCT certification (Microsoft Certified Trainers) are instructors who are qualified to deliver Microsoft training courses. MCTs are authorized to deliver Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) or Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN).

Scott Elliott owns and operates IT Certification Guides for Microsoft Certifications.Alicia Blog35456
Cecile Blog89172

Debt Consolidation With Unsecured Personal Loans

Everyone knows how quickly monthly credit payments can add up. Between credit cards, auto loans and medical bills, it can be very overwhelming. Add high interest rates to the equation and it can be virtually impossible to get out from under the burden of all that debt. It truly is a vicious cycle a cycle that enriches the profits of many creditors. Take, for instance, a credit card with a 5000 balance that carries a 22% interest rate and has a minimum payment of 130. At this rate, it will take seven years to pay off the credit card at a cost of about 10,000. Thats twice the principal balance on the credit card! Add one or two more credit cards, an auto loan and a hospital bill and its no wonder that consumers are becoming prisoners to their creditors.

Many people today have found a way to manage their debt through unsecured personal loans. This type of debt consolidation is really geared toward those who do not meet the normal lending criteria, meaning those with lower credit scores and/or those considered sub prime or high risk by traditional lenders. Many things can contribute to a less than desirable credit rating, the worst, obviously, being things like bankruptcy and foreclosure. More commonly however, credit scores are tarnished by late payments and an unfavorable debt-to-income ratio. Unfortunately, once the damage is done and it can be done rather quickly it can take years to repair. Whats a person to do in the meantime?

In the past, there was not much that a person could do except wait until enough time passed and all the blemishes were erased off. Creditors viewed those with low credit scores as abusers of the credit system. When so many consumers today are living paycheck to paycheck, it is virtually impossible to not have some kind of derogatory mark on your credit report. A 30-day late payment can lower a credit score by 30 - 75 points. Imagine what a month or two of unemployment can do to a credit score. In a matter of weeks, someone with great credit can fall into the abyss of the sub prime - a hole from which it will take years to emerge. However, a new trend is developing as many lenders have found that a low credit score does not equate to a deadbeat, non-paying borrower. In fact, many lenders are specializing in working with those with problem credit to help them get back on track.

There are several companies out there who specialize in making unsecured personal loans to individuals with sub prime lending criteria. Most will grant loans for amounts as little as 250 and as much as 25,000. Loans are available with same-day approval and no upfront fees. To ensure a loan company is reputable, be sure to look for one that is regulated and registered as a finance broker. Borrowers may also want to look for a lender that offers comprehensive insurance in case of an illness or unemployment.

An unsecured personal loan helps a persons financial position by consolidating all debt into one manageable monthly payment. Instead of writing, for example, five different checks to five different creditors, the five accounts are consolidated into one with a single lender; therefore, only one check is issued. Most often, the interest rate on the personal loan is lower than that on the credit cards and the single monthly payment is generally less than the sum of the five individual payments. Homeowners would generally use a home equity line of credit to accomplish this, but since an unsecured personal loan requires no collateral, it is ideal for UK Council Tenants, Housing Association Tenants, Private Tenants, MOD Tenants. In fact, individuals with any residential status can take advantage of this type of credit.

While approximately half of these types of loans fall into the debt consolidation category, about 20% are requests for new car loans. Borrowers are also looking to fund such things as holidays, weddings, even cosmetic surgery. The loans offer an opportunity for someone to splurge on something that is important to him or her.

It is important to borrow only as much money as you can afford to repay. Thats why its a good idea to do an income and expenditure exercise before applying. Income should always outweigh expenses and money for savings and emergencies should be included in that budget. It is also important to remember non-regular expenditures such as gifts, vacations, entertainment and clothing. If it turns out that there is more money going out than coming in each month, debt consolidation can still help, but it may be necessary to give up some of the non-necessities. To assist with preparing a budget, The Office of Fair Trade website offers a free budget tool. The site also provides information about credit, finance, and loans. It prompts certain questions to ensure that the consumer has shopped around for the best deal and that he or she is making a wise financial decision.

An unsecured personal loan can mean different things to different people. Whether its used for debt consolidation or otherwise, here are some of the benefits:

Lower monthly payments
Pay off debt more quickly
Increased monthly disposable income
Rebuild credit
Enjoy that dream vacation, car, body, stereo system, etc.

Choosing a lender can be tricky. Borrowers should look for a company that:

Is regulated
Is registered as a financial broker
Charges no fees upfront or otherwise
Offers insurance policies to cover illnesses or unemployment

When done correctly, debt consolidation with unsecured personal loans can mean a better financial position for many.
By PA Davis sponsored by who provides Unsecured Personal Loans: from 250 to 25,000 for any purpose for non home owners. Please link to this site when using this article.Bamby Blog38287
Asia Blog59255

Out on the Porch

The sound of those words can shift my mood, shape my posture, awaken my memory and conjure images of rocking chairs. I can almost feel the cool breezes on warm afternoons. Simply thinking about the porch, on the house I grew up in, lowers my blood pressure and reduces my stress. It was my place for reading, rocking, storytelling and sharing with family, neighbors and friends. It was a fort, a rocket ship, a safe harbor and sanctuary.

The porches of our lives hold fond and vivid memories for families. All of our greetings and partings of family and friends take place there. For most, the porch became the outdoor living room - a place to spend hours sitting and talking with family and friends. Folks didnt really used to think much about their porches most people had them and used them. It was just there, open and social, an unincorporated part of the house that belonged to everyone and no one. It was the heart and soul of home where for family and friends to passed the time.

I would venture to say that more of lifes issues were resolved on the front porches of my childhood than in any other place. Today, televisions, computers, cell phones, air conditioners and privacy fences have usurped the porch for stairs and stoops. I mark the disappearance of the porch with the declining popularity of Halloween, the appearance of the ATM and our fascination with drive up windows.

With so many things pulling us away, it may take some special effort to get back, out on the porch. Weve become accustomed to watching the kids whack the waffle ball, chase the dog and celebrate birthdays out on the deck. Dont get me wrong it can be nice out there; but, in all these years I've not come to know my neighbors the way I did when I lived in the house with the big front porch. About the best we can muster is a wave when we are getting into our cars.

This is all quite contrary to the human spirit and my experience is folks find ways to balance the ledger. Which brings me to my pointdoes you porch say welcome? Do you have a cheerful porch? The front door gives a glimpse of the personality of a home and its owner. The entrance to the place you call home speaks volumes about who lives beyond the door. No matter how big or small your porch, it can call out a warm welcome to guests with a little creativity. Dress it up on holidays and get yourself one of those ubiquitous outdoor welcome signs that are hand carved into cedar and offer a friendly, Hello! Remember, it is your front porch, the place where you welcome others into your life.

Thom Inman - I love Western Red Cedar and have been using this amazing and legendary medium for over 40 years in construction and my art of carving personalized outdoor welcome signs. Find us at where we've been hand crafting personalized outdoor welcome signs since 1966!Brunhilde Blog1766
Annabelle Blog89673

Are We There Yet?

Summer is here -- that wonderful season when we take our kids on trips to enjoy nature and some relaxed family time together. Of course, whether it is the cottage, a camp site, or a resort, we have to get there first and thats not always easy. Whether driving in the car, waiting for a bus, or waiting at the airport, having something to do with the kids can be a lifesaver! What our family loves to do is to play games. I have assembled here some of our favorite games. The first two are car games, but the rest can work anywhere. Enjoy!

Travel Alphabet: Travel Alphabet is a simple, cooperative car game in which everyone works together to find an object outside that starts with each letter of the alphabet (difficult letters like Q, X, and Z can be omitted). For example, for A, air, airplane, or animals are some possibilities. I like that this game encourages the children to look out of the window and to see the scenery (of course this game doesnt work at night, but by dark, hopefully, the kids are asleep).

Silly License Sentences: This is a funny game where players challenge each other to come up with a sentence using the letters on a license plate. The game starts with the first player challenging the next player to come up with a sentence using the words that start with the letters on a license plate -- in order! So if the license plate was AKPA 569, you might come up with, All kangaroos play around. The sentences can be extremely silly but must be grammatically correct.

Hum That Tune: Can you guess the mystery song? The first player hums a section of a song for the other players to guess (it must be a song that the other players have heard). The next player can either be the one who guessed correctly or the next player in order from youngest to oldest.

Alpha and Omega (or First and Last): This is a word chain game where the next player must make a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. Players alternate calling out unique words (that have not been said in the game so far) that start with the last letter of the previous word. This is usually played with some restriction of subjects (for instance fruits, mammals, birds, etc.). Usually no proper nouns are allowed (names) unless it is specifically tied to the subject as it is in Geography. It is called Geography when cities, towns, countries or provinces are the allowed words.

Crambo: Crambo is a fun game in which a person thinks of a word and the others have to guess which word it is. It utilizes rhyming, expands the vocabulary and pushes one to think of riddles. All players participate all the time. The player who begins the game thinks of a word that belongs to a large rhyming family (a word with many rhymes), like mat, and gives the others a clue by giving a rhyming clue, such as, I am thinking of a word that rhymes with cat. The other players try and guess the word indirectly by giving a short, descriptive riddle as their guess. For instance, if a player wants to guess rat, she might say, Is it a small animal with a long tail? The first player must then guess what rhyming word the challenger is alluding to in their riddle and must answer it, i.e., No, it is not a rat. A player can win by guessing the word or by posing a riddle that the first player cannot figure out (it must be a riddle that gives a good description of the word, as decided by the rest of the players). If all the players give up and cannot guess the word, then the first player wins. The winner gets to start the next game. We also play this game with kids smaller than 7 by having an older player give them a little help.

Ghost: Ghost is one of our favourite word games and we often play it on a long trip (the only danger is that I have sometimes gotten so involved that I missed my exit on the highway!) Players alternate calling out letters that could make up a word and the goal is to try and not be the one who calls out a letter that finishes a word, with a minimum of three letters. If you see no way out, you can fake it and call out a letter even if you have no idea if it could lead to a word. At any time, a player can challenge any other player and then they must say what word they were thinking of that the string of letters could make. If they have a word, then the challenger loses. If they do not have a word, then they lose that round. Each time a player loses, they get one letter in the word, Ghost. When a player gets the word Ghost (loses 5 rounds), then they are out of the game. At that point, the players might finish the game. The order of first-to-last place is decided on by whoever lost the least number of rounds or they can continue playing until all players but one are out. In this game, all words are allowed (not only nouns), except proper nouns (peoples names, place names, etc.). An example with three players: (player 1), L; (player 2), I; (player 3), V. Player 1 realizes that by saying E, she would be out of the game and then thinks of the word LIVING and says, I; player 2 realizes that he is stuck, so he accepts the point and gets a G (first letter of ghost). Variations are:

Advanced ghost: Letters can be added on either side of the word. This makes the game quite a bit more challenging and is a good game for great spellers.

Reverse Ghost: This game reverses the object of Ghost which is to conclude with the shortest word possible. The round in Reverse Ghost does not end with the first word made if a longer word can be achieved. For example, if c, a, t has been called out to spell cat, the game continues with the next player realizing that they can call out a to make the word catalogue.

Preachers Cat: This is another fun game where kids get to practice matching adjectives and names while travelling through the alphabet. Each child says, The preachers cat is a/an __________ cat and his/her name is ____________ with an adjective in the first blank spot and a proper name in the second, both starting with the same letter of the alphabet. The first player starts with A. For example, the player could say, The preachers cat is an awesome cat and her name is Angeline. Play continues all the way through the alphabet, usually skipping X. Usually we play this just for fun. We have no winners or losers and help out a child who asks for help and is stuck.

For more great game descriptions go to

For great educational games in all subjects go to

Happy Travels!

Aaron Rosenthal is the owner of, an online store dedicated to the best educational games. He is also a Math and Physics Teacher and, with his wife, is currently having a wonderful time homeschooling their four chiildren.Bunnie Blog15321
Celestia Blog51825

Choosing The Right Pool For You

When considering building a new swimming pool, there is no shortage of options. You can spend over $50,000 building your perfect backyard retreat, or $2,000 on an above ground eyesore. The important thing is to pick a pool that that is within your budget at the time you build it, and has maintenance costs that are similarly within your budget.

Types of pools

Above ground Above ground pools are popular because of the greatly reduced costs, but are generally not very durable and can spontaneously bust, flooding your backyard with hundreds of gallons of chlorinated water. They are also generally not very attractive. On the plus side, it is harder for small children to fall into the pool as they are generally at last 3-4 feet above the ground.

Best for- low budget installations

Vinyl Pools Inground Vinyl pools are definitely more attractive than above ground pools, but are more expensive. They are numerous liner patterns and colors, which can add a more customized look to your pool. This type of pool is traditionally rectangular, but other shapes are possible. Significant excavation is usually required, and the ground under the pool liner is generally lined with sand so the pool liner has a smooth surface on which to rest. Vinyl-specific coping (the edge of the pool) and decking (the deck area that surrounds the pool are used. All openings are sealed to prevent leakage and the area surrounding the pool is prepared to support the pool. Vinyl pools typically do not last as long as concrete pools and have greater maintenance costs, but are a good choice for people who are concerned with upfront costs

Best for- reasonably aesthetically pleasing installations where upfront cost is a big concern

Concrete pools (Gunnite and Shotcrete)- The best, most beautiful pools are made with sprayed concrete. One of the materials used is Shotcrete. Shotcrete is concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto the pool surface. The other commonly used material is Gunnite. Gunnite is a dry cement mixture blown through a hose to the nozzle, where the water is injected immediately prior to application. Shotcrete is a wet-mix process, where as Gunnite is a dry mix process. From a homeowners perspective, either material is probably fine, though the pool building company you use will probably have a preferred material.

Concrete pools can be customized to exactly what you want. Waterfalls, natural looking rock, and other features are possible with concrete pools. Gunnite and Shotcrete pools are finished with pool plaster, which is available in a variety of colors. Diamondbrite and Pebble Tec are the two most common pool plastering materials in use, and come in dozens of possible finishes. Concrete pools are infinitely customizable and the most durable building method.

Best for- aesthetically pleasing installations where long term maintenance of the pool is a concern. Most customizable after installation (If you want to add features or change colors later).

Tracy Avalos is a partner with Bella Pool Plastering and Renovations in Oklahoma. She can be reached at: Blog48432
Caresse Blog66520

UK Personal Loans: The Perfect Way To Borrow Money

Money may be required for varied needs of the borrower which may or may not be accountable for. In such cases, a source of money may be required in which the borrower has the freedom to spend the money as he likes. This provision is made by UK personal loans.

UK personal loans may be borrowed for fulfilling any personal need of the borrower like debt consolidation, home improvement, car purchase, wedding expenses, college education funding etc.

UK personal loans can be obtained in two forms by the borrowers:

Secured UK personal loans: these are borrowed by placing collateral with the lender. The collateral fetches a low rate of interest. Amount can be borrowed in range of 5000-75000 for a term of 5-25 years.

Unsecured UK personal loans: these can be borrowed without pledging collateral and thus are available at a higher rate of interest. But the rate can be lowered due to competition in the market. The amount can be borrowed in the range of 1000-25000 and has to be repaid in a term of 6 months to 10 years.

UK personal loans are available to borrowers with not-so-perfect credit history also. CCJs, arrears, defaults or bad credit score does not impede the borrowers from borrowing UK personal loans. Although they are charged a higher than normal rate of interest but that can also be lowered by proper research and comparison of all the deals offered to the borrower.

Online search is a good way to find a deal that will suit all terms and conditions. Numerous lenders are present online who are ready to compromise on the rate due to the competition in the online market.

UK personal loans are a way of borrowing money with or without collateral. there are so many lenders and options available that no borrower can be disappointed with the deals. With UK personal loans, there is a loan for everyone.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. She is currently working with Information personal loans as a financial advisor. To find UK Personal Loans, Personal Loans Information, online personal loans, unsecured loans, lenders, bad credit, loan application that best site's you need visit Blog71048
Allsun Blog92753

Continuing a Higher Education Online

When it comes to gaining a higher education, online opportunities are quickly becoming one of the most popular options around. If it's not the user friendly features of online learning, then it's the cost effective aspects that appeal to the average working adult. This is the person who is greatly interested in the benefits that come from a higher education, just not the rigid schedules and the pricey tuitions that tend to go with it. The benefits of online learning go beyond time and cost to offer a sense of accomplishment once the new Associate's, Bachelor's or Master's degree is in hand.

With technology consistently changing the shape of the landscape of nearly everything, the history of e-Learning has evolved and continues to evolve into great legitimacy in the world of education. While conventional classrooms still have their place, the virtual classroom is seeing more and more students each year. With the accreditation of online schools offering not only a number of degrees and qualifications, the opportunity for financial aid also makes online venues even more attractive. For some, there is just no beating the practical experience one receives in online degree programs. This is especially true when career advancement hangs in the balance.

Whether opting for a particular qualification or needing to get a general education online, prospective students will find just the right courses they need in almost every subject. For some, online education can offer a chance to either broaden horizons or narrow down career options. Selecting a variety of subjects can help define a career path when a student finds they gravitate more toward certain subjects more than others. Often, online credits are considered transferable and can help in achieving one's degree.

It is doubtful that distance learning could have ever reached the level of effectiveness that it has without the help of the internet. Though this type of learning has been in place for a great number of years, it is the information superhighway that has changed the face of education from a distance forever. Where students waited weeks and months for correspondence from distant universities, one now merely needs to take a few seconds to log on to their virtual campus to get assignments. The virtual learning environment provides not only learning tools but collaborative software featuring such options as chat, discussion boards and even audio-conferencing. This can make long distance learning seem like anything but.

The advent of computer-based testing allows for students to gauge their skills and focus attention right where they need it. This leads to another bonus in the world of online education in the form of handy online tutoring. Students will find that supplemental learning options are readily available to those who may need the extra help from time to time. Many have come to realize that the only way to get around the frustration that sometimes comes with learning new skills is understanding the material better.

Most online programs generally consist of CBT (computer-based training), WBT (web-based training), interactive media, educational animation and a whole slew of other types of educational technology. Rapidly improving technology continues to develop these features at every turn, making online learning more and more efficient. Learning management software allows students to take control of their education and organize it right down to the specifics of career planning using ePortflios.

Of all the things the internet has proven itself to be useful for, online and distance learning continue to make their appearance at the very top of the list. The ability to cut across the distances in the blink of an eye and share common information also crosses the borders of the amazing. Every new technological enhancement ensures there will be no stopping the world of continuing education.

Steven Ross owns and operates Visit His Site To Read Many More Articles About Higher Education OnlineAnnadiana Blog70567
Bobette Blog69477

Is It True Herb Ashwagandha Really Enlarge Your Breasts?

Breast enhancement pills usually contain herbs (like Ashwagandha), with natural estrogenic properties from plant sources (phyto-estrogens) that work by regulating hormones and promote healthy tissue growth.

Scientific research has concluded that foundational breast tissue growth occurs most efficiently with the balanced presence of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, prostaglandin's, and GF compounds (human growth factor hormones). Improper balances of these hormones, along with other complications, lead to insufficient breast development. At some point after adolescence, the body ceases to produce GF compounds, resulting in a completion of breast tissue growth. Thus, phytoestrogens that mimic hormones effects helps to stimulate breast growth again.

One of most commonly used herb in breast enlargement dietary supplements is Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha has been held in high regard by generations of people, because of its rejuvenative and tonic effects that are reminiscent of Asian ginseng. Because of these similarities Ashwagandha has been referred as Indian Ginseng.

It has been used to treat fatigue, impotence, and waning memory. It can be taken by anyone regardless of age or gender, and does not contain any addictive components. Ashwagandha helps maintain proper nourishment of the muscle and bone. However, intake of Ashwagandha alone may not be that effective, unless it is combined synergistically with other similar herbs that contain phytoestrogens. And not all phytoestrogens give the same effectiveness to enlarge your breasts.

So, where can one find the herb that gives the best phytoestrogens? Or does it exist in the first place?

Studies have shown that Pueraria Mirifica as one of the best phytoestrogen you can find. What makes Pueraria Mirifica the best Phytoestrogen? How is it different from Ashwagandha?

Pueraria mirifica are commonly found in abundant in the forests in the north, the west and the northeast of Thailand at the altitude of 300-800 meters above sea level. To establish a commercial scale production to serve the world demand, 3 best cultivar had been sorted out from the jungle and adapted for huge plantation area. In addition the tissue culture of this plant has been developed and field trials have been studied. It consists at least 13 known chemicals classified as PHYTOESTROGENS and comprised of ; miroestrol, daidzein, genistin, genistein, B-sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, pueraria, compesterol, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin and mirificin. Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol can only be found in Pueraria Mirifica!

"Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol " is very different from other phytoestrogens found in other plants such as Ashwagandha. It posses highest estrogenic activity among the known phytoestrogens due to structural similarity to Estradial. Estradiol is the main human estrogen which can be found in all women who are at the stage of nursing baby (Lactating); as you may notice that all women who are in this stage, their breast will enlarge and gain firmness for feeding purpose. This is the main reason why Pueraria Mirifica is unique from other breast enhancement herbs such as Ashwagandha.

There are more than 13 species of Pueraria Mirifica. They may look same in the appearance but they produce different results. The only way to differentiate their difference is to measure the amount of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol contain inside the roots of Pueraria Mirifica. An elaborate and expensive test need to be carry out in specialized laboratory to certify the actual amount of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol found in any specific type of Pueraria Mirifica. And not many company would sent their Pueraria Mirifica for such stringent test.

The above information on the Ashwagandha, and Pueraria Mirifica is found in Ms Yvonne Lee, internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start". It describes and details the most important breast enhancement techniques from every corner of the world. Author Yvonne Lee, provides an unbiased pro-and-con analysis of each breast enhancement techniques, in addition to practical information such as how and where to get it, cost involved and other essential information you need to know. The ebook version of the book is now available for 56 days review period at: is offering Free Sample, Limited Period Only. Latest Nanotechnology Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate Results In 5 Minutes ... While stock last! Consists of Pueraria Mirifica. Hurry Click Here Now:

Julie Walker is the customer service guru of Alicia Blog35456
Beret Blog27985

Pruning Roses

Roses seem to grow and produce flowers for only a few years before becoming exhausted and starting to develop flowers down the lower part of the stem.Pruning is therefore needed to prvent the plant becoming a tangled mass of dying and living wood with inferior blooms.

Rambling Roses

Rambling roses have diminished in popularity over the years.They bloom only once a year albeit with a spectacular show of flowers but are not generally disease resistant and do need regular pruning.

Flowers grow on new wood so you will need to prune each year for a good show of flowers all over the plant.However rambling roses are a good choice in some areas, where their natural talents can be exploited.Rambling roses flexible stems will clamber enhusiastically up dead trees that would otherwise be an eyesore, or scramble riotously along the soil to produce unusual ground cover.

Climbing Roses

Climbing roses have much less flexiable stems than rambling roses, many are more disease resistant and some are repeat flowering.Since flowers develop on a framework of established wood,pruning climbing roses is a much less demanding than pruning rambling roses.Essential pruning is restricted to removing dead weak or diseased growth.

Deadhead as much as is practical during the summer and prune in the autumn after flowering.If you also shorten the side shoots that have flowered taking them back to three buds.You will encouragea good coverage of flowers next year.

Regenerating Old Climbing Rose

If a climbing rose has been neglected and lateral growth not encouraged by regular training and tying in, there may be many bare stems visible near ground level.You can encourage new basal shoots to develop by cutting down some of the old bare stems almost to ground level.

Hybrid tea and Floribunda Roses

Hybrid tea and floribunda roses are popular garden choices and have broadly similar pruning needs.Hybrid teas have been used for around 100 years their flowers have what is often seen as a classic rose shape.Hybrid teas are available in an amazing range of colours and are often well fragranced.

However there are some drawbacks with some varieties many hybrid tea bushes are quite ridged in shape, producing quite a stiff appearance that does not suit all gardens.Hybrid teas generally bloom less frequently than floribundas and are more susceptable to rain damage and not tolerent to less than perfect conditions.

Floribunda roses have been popular for around the last 50 years.Although the individual blooms may not be as first choice compared to the hybrid teas floribundas are chosen for there ability to flower continuously for long periods of time.Their increased disease resistance their ability to thrive in less than perfect conditions and for their rain tolerance.

Prune hybrid tea and floribunda roses in early spring when growth is just begining but to avoid the possibility of damage by wind rock cut back long shoots in autumn.Cut stems back to approximately half there length and remove damaged weak or diseased stems.Floribundas hard prune some old stems close to the ground to encourage new basal growth, while pruning last years new shoots only moderately.This variable pruning will encourage a good coverage of flowers over the whole plant.

Colin CliffordAntoinette Blog98066
Alison Blog32463

Organize Clutter Clusters For Increased Office Productivity

How can you make your work area more attractive so that you enjoy being there and can focus specifically on the work at hand? The more clutter you eliminate, the more peaceful the setting will be, and therefore the more productive your time will be.

Photos. You may consider a photo of loved ones as a pleasant reminder of why you work so hard, or as a conversation-starter to get acquainted with new clients. However, photos can quickly accumulate, lining windowsills and shelves, tacked to walls, and taking up valuable desk space. These photos have accumulated over the years, as new ones are added without replacing the older ones. If you like photos, keep just one or two current ones.

Giveaways. How often do you take something from a vendors display table just because it is free? Then you drop it on your desk. How many stress balls or letter openers do you need? When you have too many, they go into the drawers, onto the windowsills, etc. More than one has no useful purpose.

Memorabilia. Do you really need the little Eiffel Tower from Las Vegas, or the Florida seashell? Sometimes these end up in the office because they do not fit into the house dcor. They can encourage chitchat as you exchange vacation stories, and then you wonder why interruptions take up so much of the day.

Certificates. Framed degrees and licenses lend credibility to an individual when they relate directly to the business being transacted. However, spreading around all the certificates you gather from continuing education classes gets to be overkill. Choose to display only the most significant documents if youre in a situation where clients visit your workplace.

Books and CDs. Any books that are not related to your business and that are not used as references should be moved to another area, taken home, or donated. If you ordered a set of tapes for your business, have listened to them, and know that you will not do so again, consider selling them at a reduced price to someone else in the field. If you want to keep them for reference, find a way to store and catalog them instead of leaving individual disks strewn around.

Computers. Do you have an older printer stuck in a corner? Box unused computer hardware and store it. Donate older computer parts and get a tax deduction for a contribution to a local charity. What about the extra hard drive, cables, and phone cords? One spare of each item should be enough. How many stray CDs are laying around, and you have no idea whats on them?

Artwork. Drawings by children and grandchildren are precious, but covering a bulletin board or the wall of an office does not lend itself to a professional feeling. If you want to display one or two sketches, frame and hang them. Let the others rotate on your refrigerator.

Miscellaneous. Tools laying around left over from a jobsite or related to a small repair do not need to stay in your desk area. Look around and see how many things are not related to the type of work you actually do in your office. This desk area should not be the companys storage space.

Anything surrounding you that is not useful, beautiful, or treasured by you, should be disposed of in some manner because clutter is messy, inconvenient, and sometimes embarrassing. It affects your space, your time, and your peace of mind.

Key Organization Systems & CEO Denise Landers trains companies and individuals to organize and manage their time, office space, documents, and workflow effectively for significant increases in productivity and greater work life balance at http://www.keyorganization.comBelva Blog57062
Allegra Blog40908

Virtual House Tours Could Offer Too Much Information

We are becoming more aware of the dangers of the internet these days with articles of online predators hiding behind screen names, posing as imposters controlling their victims as if they were puppets on a string, sucking them into a "Web Of Deception."

Computers are used in the transmission of crime often in three capacities. They may be the target of the offense, the tool used in the offence or they may contain evidence of the offence. Everything from sex predators, e-mail scams, fraud and even burglary. Yes, even burglary enters into the equation with the possibility that burglars could target homes via the internet.

The real estate industry's version of armchair viewing, otherwise known as "Virtual Tours," could be giving the "bad guys" too much information. Too much information about your most important investment: your home.

Selling your home is stressful enough without the added stress of a break and enter.

Virtual tours are increasing in popularity as they give home buyers a real impression of the inside of the home and a vivid look at the outside surroundings. Some realtors may deny or play down the dangers of advertising your home on the internet; however, this concern affects not only home sellers but also home buyers whose future home may have been advertised on the internet.

Once a home has been exposed on the internet, particularly on "Virtual Tours," it could remain a risk for robbery for several months as information may have been downloaded and stored on a thief's computer.

Having a home available for anyone to inspect can represent a grave danger. The only people who should be allowed to inspect your home are those who have been identified and qualified. The Internet allows anybody who owns a computer and is hooked up to the web to take a tour through your home.

I don't want just anybody looking through my home, unless they are a genuine buyer accompanied by a realtor.

The safe procedure is quite simple. The homebuyer usually checks out an area before they buy a home. They visit with the real estate agent, who takes great care to ensure that only genuine buyers are allowed to inspect your home.

If you must advertise your home on the internet, make sure that you go over the details with your realtor very carefully. Details like removing precious items before the filming of the tour or having their computer professional remove them through a Photoshop software program after the segment has been filmed. It is very important as a home owner to view the video before it is displayed over the internet, checking for security deficiencies.

Meeting with your real estate representative and ironing out the details is crucial. After all, you are the person holding the strings when it comes to protecting your home.

Frank Fourchalk is widely recognized for his sustained commitment to education in Home and Business security throughout North America as a result of his syndicated newspaper columns. Mr. Fourchalk has written for The Toronto Star, The Vancouver Province, and several other daily newspapsers including the New York Post.Cammi Blog15960
Brunhilde Blog17454

Thai Massage

What is Thai Massage

Thai massage is a traditional form of massage therapy that has been used in Thailand for centuries. In Thailand, it is called Nuad Phaen Boran which means ancient massage. It is based on the Indian medical system of Ayurveda and incorporates many ancient Indian Yogic techniques.

How does Thai Massage work

Thai massage combines elements of Shiatsu, Yoga, and acupressure. It aims to clear blockages in the energy meridians of the body by applying a healing touch to the affected pressure points. Once these blockages are removed, energy flows freely throughout the body and this leads to relief from ailments and overall improved physical and mental health. The technique of soft touching and stretching also frees the tension in the limbs and muscles and brings about pain relief and improves flexibility.

A typical massage session lasts for about two hours. The massage is administered on mat or firm mattress kept on the floor. The patient changes into his or her pajamas and lies down on this mat. The practitioner will then follow a pre-determined sequence of massage steps that involve the use of hands, elbows and feet. The massage follows the flow of the energy meridians on the patients body. A number of techniques such as soft pressure, pulling fingers and toes, walking on the patients back and gentle stretching are used to free the blockages in these meridians. Oil is normally not applied during the therapy session. At the end of the massage session, both the receiver and the therapist feel relaxed and energized.

Benefits of Thai Massage

Thai massage is a holistic massage therapy that focuses on the body as a whole. By recognizing the inter-dependence of all the systems of the body, it aims to cure ailments by bringing all these various elements into harmony with each other. By removing blockages in the energy meridians, it promotes an increase in the energy levels of the patient. This soothing massage therapy also helps to calm the mind and remove stress from the body and mind of the patient. The soft physical pressure and stretching techniques bring about pain relief, relieve muscular tension, and increase the flexibility of the muscles and limbs. It also helps in harmonizing imbalances in the nervous system. Thai massage also improves blood and lymph circulation. The holistic approach used ensures that the patient enters a state of deep relaxation and refreshes the spirit.

Sharon Hopkins features articles in, your online guide to rejuvenate the mind, body and eliminate stress scientifically by using artistic hand strokes. She also writes for other sites on Yoga, Hair-n-Skin-Care, Massage Therapy among others.Brigida Blog16943
Alfi Blog22923

The Shih Tzu Groom Shop Record Keeping

The Appointment Book

A Shih Tzu beauty parlor should operate much the same as a human beauty parlor. The most essential record is the appointment book. The Shih Tzu dog grooming business relies on a regular schedule. The appointment book will prove to be one of the most important records you have for maintaining an efficient business. The type of appointment book you choose is entirely a personal decision. However, you might start out with one called Week at a Glance.

In the Week at a Glance appointment book, each week is laid out in day-by-day columns. Each day is broken down hour by hour. Notate your Shih Tzu groom appointments immediately in the appointment book. Do not rely on your memory. You do not want the faintest possibility of forgetting an appointment.

Your Shih Tzu groom customers should be informed and encouraged to call in advance for appointments. This may take a little time to develop. You might post a sign just over your reception counter or desk informing customers of this policy. Appointment only Shih Tzu grooming enables you to know what to expect each day or any given day. You can plan your time accordingly. Appointment only Shih Tzu grooming will also help you to not overbook on one day and under book the next day. You want your Shih Tzu grooming shop to look busy, but not hectic and overwhelming.

Perfecting an ideal Shih Tzu grooming schedule can present a number of complicating factors. With time and experience you will succeed. A wise Shih Tzu groomer will anticipate at least one cancellation on any given day, or a customer may not show up. Over time you should develop a continuous rhythm and system that works best for you.

A well established Shih Tzu beauty parlor should be able to successfully operate with a limited number of Shih Tzu handled each day. Try to establish regular customers that come every four to six weeks.

For the Shih Tzu beauty parlor just starting out, however, you might want to have a definite appointment system but with some flexibility. The worst system of all is not keeping any appointment record and just taking anyone at anytime. If you sell your business, well-kept records and a good customer base list would make a difference in the selling price.

Master List

Another important record is your Shih Tzu grooming master card. It is wise to keep a card for every Shih Tzu. The front of the card should record special instructions or comments (style of hair-do or clip customer prefers), two telephone numbers if available. In case of emergency or you just need more information you should be able to reach the Shih Tzu customer either at home or an alternate number. The back of the card should contain a chronological listing of the dates the dog came in and the prices charged.

This article is FREE to publish with resource box.

Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. Purchase Shih Tzu puppies and sign up for FREE Shih Tzu newsletter at Pet Care articles at Visit Camelot Articles at http://www.camelotarticles.comCathryn Blog94711
Alfie Blog61321

The Trend In Gadgets

Almost every week, we have news about the latest technological gadgets being invented and made available in the market. We usually think of gadgets as something portable and handy and that which can make our work faster and easier. Remember the robot or perhaps, Gadget Boy?

Gadgets for all aspects of our daily life are everywhere and admit or not, they are very useful. The young professionals or yuppies as well as the techies (technology buffs) are normally the first people to take advantage of the latest gadgets in town. Lets see what they have been using so far, particularly the handheld devices.

Most patronized

The mobile or cell phone is, perhaps, consistent for being the most popoular and useful tool for people on the go. With this handheld gadget, people can be reached anywhere they are and you can call home too from any location. Cell phones can do so many things these days browse the Internet, play video and music, provide directions, take videos and photos and more. Its usefulness is definitely proven. In fact, there have been so many enhancements to this gadget from being just a plain mobile phone used for voice messages to being a camera and video phone with voice recorder to boot to being an FM radio and a mini-laptop. And now comes the worlds first mobile GSM watch phone created by an Australian firm SMS Developments Ltd. It looks like a sports watch but with full voice and SMS capabilities. Pets, too, have their own cell phones now. The PetsCell is a waterproof mobile phone that you can attach to your dogs collar. Your dog then is assigned his own number so if ever he gets lost, you can call him too.

The Palm Pilot, since its invention ten years ago, has also been among the most used gadgets. The Palm Pilot itself has undergone many changes to being todays Treo 650 and 700. The Palm company says it has sold more than 34 million devices including 3 million smartphones since 1996. Reports say the Palm products have indeed changed societys ability to communicate and access knowledge.

For the music buffs, first we had the Walkman that allowed us to listen to the radio and our favorite music in cassette tapes while on the move either walking, jogging or driving or even shopping. Then came the Discman, an improved version that used compact discs. The latest, as we all know, is the very thin and handy iPod. This small device has, in fact, several new models already available in the market. This time, the iPod stores MP3 music straight from computers.

Just last September 12, Apple introduced the 2G iPod nano and an updated 5G iPod. The second-generation iPod nano is said to have more storage capacity and comes in multiple colors.

Where is it going?

But whats this IDC (a leading company that offers technological media solutions) report confirming a decline in worldwide shipments of handheld devices in early 2006? Based on IDCs Worldwide Handheld Overview, the worldwide market for handheld devices began 2006 with its 9th consecutive quarter of year-over-year decline, down 22.3% from the same quarter a year ago. This, despite the incorporation of features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, expandable memory and GPS solutions. Manufacturers and vendors, however, continue to look for ways to keep their products saleable by appealing to first-time and core users. A research analyst with IDCs Mobile Markets team said many people are wondering if this trend will go on and for how long or will a reverse be possible. But one things for sure, he adds, the market will eventually hit a size where the rate of decline will slow to a sustainable level. That size has yet to be determined but will be sustained by the core users of handheld devices as well as the enhancements found on these gadgets.

A book entitled Our Own Devices confirms that users are actually great innovators as they find purposes for devices that their creators never imagined.

Author Edward Tenner said that as technologies advance, demand for new ones go up as well. He pointed out that its the interplay between technologies and technique, skills and uses that determine the life of a device in the real world.

So for sure, theres really no stopping these advancements in technology. As long as there are innovative minds existing in this world, more devices will be invented.

Tom Takihi is the owner of the Discover Gadgets portal. To gain more information, please visit Blog42957
Celestyn Blog97559

Backup Data On Your Laptop

If you were to look at past statistics regarding the information that has been lost in regards to laptop computers, you would find yourself amazed. Even though this information can be astounding, many of us still dont take the time to back up the information on our laptops.

To put it in simple terms, nothing in the computer industry is fool proof. Hard drives can crash, the laptop can get stolen, or it can even be dropped and rendered useless. To ensure that we are never left without our precious data, we should always create a backup of our information.

There is no mistaken the fact that over a million laptops have been stolen over the years in the United States alone. Anytime a laptop is stolen, chances are that it wont be recovered. If the information wasnt backed up, then the owner will be left with no laptop - but more importantly - no backed up data either.

Just like you can with desktop computers, you can also create a backup of the data on your laptop as well. You can use online services, back it up remotely, or use several other methods to ensure that you keep all of your data. Preserving your data is something you should really look into, especially if you have business material on your laptop.

The best way to go about backing up your data and files is to burn them to a data CD. Data CDs can hold up to 700 MB (Mega Bytes) of data, which means a lot of files. To back things up this way, all you need is a CD/RW burner in your laptop, which most of the newer ones come with.

The only drawback to laptops is the fact that they dont offer near as much storage or security measures as a desktop PC. Desktop computers have a lot more power, and they can also do things (including backups) in a fraction of the time.

The laptop computer was designed for on the go use, which is the main reason why people dont really think about backing up their data. When the thought finally does come to mind, it is normally too late to do anything about it.

As mentioned above, the easiest and quickest way to backup your laptop data is to use an online backup service. Depending on your connection to the Internet, it can take anywhere from several minutes to several hours. Although it may take you a little bit of time, youll have the satisfaction in knowing that your data is there if something should happen.

Whether its for your business or personal use, you cant go wrong backing up your data. You should always create a backup of your data at least once a month, even more than that if you have a lot of important information that you add to your laptop on a frequent basis.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog24472
Celestine Blog19650

The Year 2037 and the Internet

A few days ago I was surfing the Internet doing some relevant research work for the newsletter. As I clicked through endless website pages that seemed alike, I had to constantly look up at the website address bar to make sure I was not stuck on the same site. Seeking relevant information to post-up for our subscribers, I felt somewhat bored and dissatisfied. Everything appeared and seemed the same. Nothing was new or exciting. At that point I glanced at my wall calendar and looked at the year, it read 2006.

The next day, I recalled my frustrated journey online involving searching for information. I realized that my psyche was not happy with the framework of the World Wide Web.

I sat at my desk and paused awhile, I allowed my mind to drift off thinking about super-nerds, geeks, computer techs, computer engineers, software designers, and the movers and shakers of the Internet world. What were they doing today?

The scene that came directly to my mind was a selective team of Hi-tech yuppies, maybe about twenty-five of them. They had just sat down at a round cherry inlaid conference table. The wooden table was huge, water glasses and a yellow pad of paper was at each seat.

The atmosphere was relaxed and causal. One interesting fact that stood out was the look on each of their faces. Their faces reflected their definite determination.

This was an arranged rendezvous of the Super-Masterminds of the World Wide Web. Their Agenda- Take it to the next level, It's time.

Finally a door opened, a young man about thirty two years old entered the meeting room. The man was well dressed in an expensive suit, and portraying a let's get it done attitude.

Everyone sitting at the wooden table began to pick up their pens and started writing something down on those yellow pads.

What were they writing down?

-The Year 2037-

In the year 2037 the World Wide Web has become a new favorable experience.

First, computers as we understood them are now called "C-Pods". A C-Pod does not even come close to resembling your old desktop monster.

C-Pods have a shape of being 1/4 inch thick, 8 inches wide, and 14 inches long. The top surface is somewhat transparent plastic material, supported by four 1/4 inch round titanium legs, being 3 inches long. The C-Pod looks like a coffee table for mice.

The plastic like top surface has been engineered to replace all the circuit boards, hard drives, memory chips, DVD players and power drives which we once became familiar with.

Inside the 1/4 inch thick plastic is where your computer now resides. Inside is the complex core of the system where the Meta Drives are stored.

A Meta Drive is a device that uses Meta Materials. Meta Materials are objects that gain their electromagnetic material properties from their structure rather than inheriting them directly from the materials that they are composed of.

The Meta drives work in conjunction with electromagnetic waves combined with photon crystals (a subatomic particle that is a quantum of electromagnetic energy, including light). The two systematically will be linked with each other and will substantially improve computing strength and stealth.

Data will be stored inside encrypted air packets and transmitted via electromagnetic wave beams.

Transmission of electronic data from one computer to another will be direct, no networking hubs to deal with. To make this materialize; beam steerers will be applied in an advanced system to utilize RF frequency modulation to deliver the data, no hard wires whatsoever. The Transmission rates of master data will become immediate and secure.

Hackers will be out of business. All datas transmitted will be stored in sealed encrypted air packets, and transmitted by electromagnetic waves, then trapped by end users. C-Pod encrypted receivers will only be authorized to acquire air packets at their authorized docker platforms.

Software will also advance to new levels. The new C-Pod technology has brought new challenges to Software masterminds. All data must travel at the speed of light and faster. Software will be stored in Nano chips and will utilize Meta material and advanced laser technology to travel from Meta drives to Pod Dockers. All software will be user encrypted to be only received and viewed by authorized receivers and Dockers. Software programs will be trimmed of all fat to deliver the ultimate performance and reliability.

Software programs will contain complete user friendly support. Concierge assistants will be an integral part of the Software Pod. There will be no need to source help from outside representatives because the software Pod Concierge will be present to directly answer all your how-to relevant inquiries, plus dutifully explain every significant function of the software to assure the end user renders the absolute best results from their software acquisition.

Software companies now will have to meet a rating level of 900 stars out of a possible 1000 stars to even be considered as a respectful representative of software. The competition will become intense amongst this field. Customer satisfaction will become the number one priority to stay afloat.

C-Pods will contain Docker home workstations. Dockers receive and transmit air packets of master data from server docker stations from through-out the world. All Dockers will store Meta materials and become proprietary to that system.

All C-Pods will give first class priority to interactivity by users. Interactivity will become instant, and will not breakup, or cause interruptions in transmissions.

Gaming, video, and data will all be viewed in a Helio format. Helio is the technology of projecting images within a column of air. Columns of air are projected 18 inches tall and 24 inches wide. Viewing resolutions will exceed 12,500 dots per inch. All presentations will be in full 3-D format. No head visors or glasses will be needed to experience breath taking programming.

Helio technology is now the ultimate experience. The Helio column of air will be suspended above your C-Pod 4 inches. No wires, plugs, or cables will be attached. Air packets will also be used to transmit electromagnetic waves from your C-Pod to the Helio receiver projector. These waves will also be encrypted with user identifications to secure the system from tampering or hacking.

Helio systems will additionally provide the system user a projected keyboard to any location within a 8 foot range from the C-Pod. The keyboard is also a projected light image in which colors, themes, lights, keypad style, location, and touch feel can be programmed to the users likings. Here again, the Helio keyboard projector will contain a docker which can be upgraded to add calculators, ultra sound wave players, and all your servant commands.

The servant command section of the keyboard is where you will launch, upgrade, change, delete, survey, and command your docker station, surfboards, fetch pads, and your concierge services.

All businesses will be using Helio 360 degree conference viewing theaters. Helio card readers can be transmitted to any worldwide C-Pod docker station. With encrypted authentication contained within air packets, stealth security is never a problem. Deals and formal contracts will instantly be closed with secured Helio touch pads using defense type coding systems.

Cobra air packets will have the highest secret coding system ever developed for civilian use. The Cobra air packet system will essentially combine with the Meta materials program. As we discussed earlier, Meta materials. (Meta Materials are entities that gain their electromagnetic material properties from their structure rather than inheriting them directly from the materials that they are composed of). If any of these assigned structures are tampered with or invaded without Cobra screening approvals, the invader of the air packet will be disclosed. Within a Nano second of the security violation, Cobra with send out an electro-magnetic defense wave, and immediately nullify the invaders C-Pod transmitter.

Surfboards will become an essential part of your Docker system. Surfboards will provide you with the means to browse the Internet. All Surfboards will store user ID cards containing encrypted data and user information. The ID cards are called PIC's (personal identity coders). This is the location that will store all pertinent data regarding the user and their preferences.

Fetch Pad Dockers, will become the cutting edge when it comes to searching for pertinent data. Fetch Pads are programmed by the user to retrieve the most relevant data available that best matches your request.

When programmed, the Fetch Pad searches all possible sources for the data available on the Internet that the user has requested. Fetch Pads will contain their own algorithm systems installed that can be programmed by the user. No second party interference, biases, or advertisements will be involved or allowed.

Concierge Dockers. This Docker will become your personal Internet servant. Your personal requests can be preloaded at your convenience and upgraded at any time.

Concierge Dockers will constantly be searching the Internet seeking all pertinent and relevant information that meets your desires and demands that you have submitted. The data that the docker had obtained during missions will be stored in libraries that are contained in your Meta drives for instant access.

The Concierge Docker also contains an invaluable program called the Mentor. Yes, this is your personal mentor that is built-in to your C-Pod. The Mentor, through an algorithm software program will be able to decipher all external data plus compare the demands and traits that are contained by the user.

The Mentor will guide, assist, educate, evaluate, decide, and conclude the best paths for you to take to accomplish your goals.

Similar to today's matchmaker website's, the Mentor will also use the most sophisticated programs to match one's intelligence level, desirability to succeed, persistence of user, and the current competitive environment surrounding the user final goal.

The Mentor with each Docker will also provide PAQ's (personal achievement qualifiers) to the individual user status and transmitting Docker. The PAQ's are the most important factor to one's credibility on the Internet.

PAQ's ratings are attached to every air packet of data that will be transmitted over the Internet. PAQ's will internally assign a star rating to each user. The highest rating will be 500 stars.

Rating stars will be determined by Universal Internet Laws. The criteria to determine your ratings will mainly consist of the user's credibility, performance to achievements, personal goals (business, pleasure, or education), and usage (public or private).

Contained within every Docker will also reside a Meta Materials Operations Manager (MOM).

MOM's will become the fiduciary task force that will govern all Internet operations.

All PAQ's will contain fully encrypted ratings, credentials, authenticity certificates, and user ID's. MOM's will screen PAQ's to select right of passage, and also provide proper directions to final C-Pod Dockers.

Webmaster will now become certified by the Universal Internet Commission. The Commission will educate and supervise all webmaster to properly construct website to accept C-Pod acceptance dockers and receivers. All webmasters will also receive ratings for their ability to properly manage their website according to Universal Internet Laws.

Website star ratings will consist of a 1000 star program, 1000 being the best rating. Here again, credibility will reign supreme.

Search engines and keywords will become a thing of the past. A web site's star rating will determine the best data available for the request by the user. Relevance will only be compared to the user's PIC's (personal identifier coder). Relevance will not have any reflections on keywords, for they have now become useless.

The credibility and reliability will be the main focus of each and every website, thus promoting their website's star ratings.

Websites will become respected as an authoritarian of information and data that will be supplied to the utmost quality. Relevance will also reside within every website and be constantly updated to serve demanding user cravings for cutting edge knowledge.

Visitors to each website will also be able to cast votes on the overall credibility and relevance of the site that have visited. These votes will become paramount. These votes will add credibility to the website's Star ratings.

The Universal Internet Commission (UIC) will not allow any website to transmit without acceptable Star rating certification. Start-up sites will have to participate in an apprentice type program, and will be rated either as commercial or professional use after certification.

The apprentice duration will allow upstart website's to accumulate stars in a given period of time set forth by the commission. If the upstart website can not reach a minimum rating of 400 stars, the site will be given two more chances to qualify. If the site fails to qualify after three attempts, the site can only receive a rating of personal usage, and will not be able to transmit commercial business data.

Personal use website's will have a much lower rating of only 100 stars. Qualifying will also be much easier. Personal website ratings will be limited to a non-business application. Data can be transferred and received, but not for the use of any type of business means.

Qualifying Commercial websites will receive UIC certification along with PAQ Dockers. These Dockers are encrypted to recieve all inbound PAQ's. Without a PAQ Docker, a website will not be able to receive any inbound air packets.

The Internet has now become the ultimate experience. The super-masterminds of the Internet world have pulled all the tricks out of their bags. They have provided us with the Roller coaster ride we have all been waiting for.

New developments in technology, credibility, and superior relevance to data have reached extreme levels of fulfillment for all.

These turns in events will become a new page in the history books of forward thinking. There will be new hero's to admire for their perseverance to foresee the future with their just get it done attitudes.

To close my journey to the year 2037, I've selected a new headline for my next newsletter; - Forget the new I-Pod with 200mb of storage, Just move your calendar to the year 2037 and log-on to the Ultimate Experience of the World Wide Web.

Roy King, is the editor for Ecom Newspaper which is dedicated to provide Ecommerce news, information, and articles of interest for home-based internet businesses. Tips, Tricks, Techniques, and Secrets are revealed by the guru's of the ecommerce world within our online newspaper. Stop by and visit us at: Have a Great E-Commerce Day.... Roy King Cathe Blog24149
Alina Blog2429

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