Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Shih Tzu Groom Shop Record Keeping

The Appointment Book

A Shih Tzu beauty parlor should operate much the same as a human beauty parlor. The most essential record is the appointment book. The Shih Tzu dog grooming business relies on a regular schedule. The appointment book will prove to be one of the most important records you have for maintaining an efficient business. The type of appointment book you choose is entirely a personal decision. However, you might start out with one called Week at a Glance.

In the Week at a Glance appointment book, each week is laid out in day-by-day columns. Each day is broken down hour by hour. Notate your Shih Tzu groom appointments immediately in the appointment book. Do not rely on your memory. You do not want the faintest possibility of forgetting an appointment.

Your Shih Tzu groom customers should be informed and encouraged to call in advance for appointments. This may take a little time to develop. You might post a sign just over your reception counter or desk informing customers of this policy. Appointment only Shih Tzu grooming enables you to know what to expect each day or any given day. You can plan your time accordingly. Appointment only Shih Tzu grooming will also help you to not overbook on one day and under book the next day. You want your Shih Tzu grooming shop to look busy, but not hectic and overwhelming.

Perfecting an ideal Shih Tzu grooming schedule can present a number of complicating factors. With time and experience you will succeed. A wise Shih Tzu groomer will anticipate at least one cancellation on any given day, or a customer may not show up. Over time you should develop a continuous rhythm and system that works best for you.

A well established Shih Tzu beauty parlor should be able to successfully operate with a limited number of Shih Tzu handled each day. Try to establish regular customers that come every four to six weeks.

For the Shih Tzu beauty parlor just starting out, however, you might want to have a definite appointment system but with some flexibility. The worst system of all is not keeping any appointment record and just taking anyone at anytime. If you sell your business, well-kept records and a good customer base list would make a difference in the selling price.

Master List

Another important record is your Shih Tzu grooming master card. It is wise to keep a card for every Shih Tzu. The front of the card should record special instructions or comments (style of hair-do or clip customer prefers), two telephone numbers if available. In case of emergency or you just need more information you should be able to reach the Shih Tzu customer either at home or an alternate number. The back of the card should contain a chronological listing of the dates the dog came in and the prices charged.

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Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. Purchase Shih Tzu puppies and sign up for FREE Shih Tzu newsletter at Pet Care articles at Visit Camelot Articles at http://www.camelotarticles.comCathryn Blog94711
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