Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pregnant! What's This About Morning Sickness?

Congratulations! You're pregnant!

One minute you're overjoyed with your news, the next you're brought back down to earth with a thud.

And with it,the rude awakening that soon after conception, your body begins undergoing a series of major changes to help prepare it for your baby's growth and development.

Mother Nature loves irony. How else to explain taking the happiest time in a woman's life and causing her to become physically ill and miserable?

And, what's with using the term, "morning sickness"? Actually, the correct term is "nausea and vomiting of pregnancy". Which is closer to the truth since the condition can and will occur anytime of the day.

Facts about the condition:

1. 50-95% of pregnant women suffer from it

2. dehydration can happen in extreme cases

3. occurs in first month of pregnancy

4. continues until 14th-16th week

5. 50% of women will suffer for another month

Although nobody will say for sure what the definite causes are, the theories are:

1. estrogen level increase

2. low blood sugar

3. increased sensitivity to smells where many odors instantly trigger the gag-reflex

4. rise in progesterone level . This hormone helps relax the uterus in order to prevent early labor but it also relaxes the stomach and intestines which cause excess acids in the stomach and slower waste removal.

5. eating unhealthy foods. Seems the body has a sure-fire way to make sure you don't ingest anything not good for you or baby.

6. and this doozy. an increase in human chorionic gonadotropin! Now you know why they prefer to call it (hCG) This is a peptide hormone produced by the embryo soon after conception and later on by the placenta. It's role is to maintain crucial levels of progesterone production vital in human pregnancies.

7. excess salivation which nauseates some women

It's difficult to spend time on the causes when all you want is relief. As with anything to do with the human body, there's no one-size-fits-all remedy. There will be a period of trial and error as you find what works for you. Of course it goes without saying, you will be consulting with your doctor/care-provider.

So here are some corrective measures used by many women:

1. eating small, frequent meals. An empty stomach produces an acid which aggravates the stomach lining.

2. foods should be high in proteins and complex carbohydrates. Yogurt, cheese and eggs for example.

Whole-grain breads and cereals. Don't make the mistake of thinking of whole-wheat as being whole- grain. You want the product label to say " 100% whole-grain". Big difference and healthy for mother and baby.

3. drink fluids. Dehydration makes everything worse.

Extreme cases need to be hospitalized. If you can't stomach fluids, try eating fruit which has high water content and low acid like grapes and watermellon

4. ginger (zingiber officinale) The age-old remedy for upset stomachs. Either capsules, tea or ginger- snaps, candy. Try to get ginger ale made with real ginger. Usually not supermarket brands. You may have to try the health-food section in your grocery or an actual health-food store.

5. brushing teeth after vomiting will decrease excess saliva and lessen stomach turmoil. And, prevents tooth decay and makes you feel better.

6. get proper rest. Fatigue and stress will cause morning sickness to worsen. If able to, nap often.

7. stay away from fatty, spicy, rich, acidic and fried foods

8. eat crackers before getting out of bed. Get up slowly.

9. take prenatal vitamins later on in the day

10. try vitamin B6

11. microwave cooking produces less odors. Better yet, have someone else do the cooking while you, lucky girl,stay away!

12. go smell lemons. Believe it or not, relief may be found by sprinkling essential oil of lemon on a handkerchief and holding it to your nose.

13. warm places can trigger nausea. Try to stay cool.

If not in air conditioning, install fans around you.

Even a battery-operated hand-held fan can bring relief.

14. if your stomach agrees, eat what you want when you want it. Your special cravings are trying to tell you something.

Although it can be downright annoying when well-meaning friends and family tell you, "This too shall pass".

Especially when you feel miserable. Usually after the first trimester, you will again be concentrating on happy, future events.

Again, Congratulations!

(c) 2006 Karen Cook

Reference Sources: Wikipedia and Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine

Karen Cook works in her town's Public Library. Her greatest job satisfaction comes from researching information to help improve her patron's lives. Visit her weblog at: Blog28528
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